Our Wedding Planner


Our Wedding Planner



New and improved!

Our best selling Wedding Planner has been updated and modernised. We have added a beautiful black spine and improved the thickness of the inside pages, making it easier and more enjoyable to fill in.

Our planner has been carefully curated through our wealth of experience and knowledge in the wedding industry. Each step of your wedding planning is covered in our planner.

We have lovingly designed and made each page with our couples in mind, making the process of planning a wedding easier, less stressful and honestly…..less of a minefield! From the guest list, to the wedding venue, to venue styling, to flowers, to make-up, we have you covered!

Finished with a sleek and modern design, Our Wedding Planner is the perfect gift for yourself, or for a newly engaged couple. Inside features 120gsm paper, which makes it easy to write on and fasten images to, without being too bulky. The cover features a hardback gold foil finish, adding a touch of sophisticated glam.

Measuring in at 234x156mm, Our Wedding Planner is compact, lightweight and is easily transportable…making it perfect to take when visiting suppliers.

Lovingly designed and printed in the UK.

Order now, with free delivery!

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